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GreenView Partners is an Essential Business. We are continuing our normal maintenance service operations as Spring Green-Up is upon us, taking extra precautions with our employees to do our part in helping stop the spread of COVID-19, while still servicing our loyal customers. 


Our procedures include, but are not limited, to the following:

- Daily temperature checks for all employees upon arrival to work.

- Signed questioner each Monday for all employees to ensure limit of employee exposure over weekends.

- Disinfecting all trucks and equipment, before and after each use, with a disinfectant spray solution.

- Personal water coolers for each employee to limit touch points.

- All employees have been issued protective masks and are required to wear them when in small group settings.

- Using hand sanitizer as much as possible while our crews are in the field.

- Enforcing social distancing.

- Office staff and managers working remotely to eliminate groups of more than 5 people, still practicing social distancing. 

- If a team member is feeling sick, they are not to return to work without a written doctor’s note


We want to reassure you that you will not see any interruptions to your service.  If you have any questions please reach out to your Account Manager.  Thank you for your continual business with GreenView Partners.  We look forward to when this Pandemic is over and we can see you all in person again.

GreenView Partners COVID-19 Update

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